Michael Campbell

Story Time.

Where Civility Ends

Did Facebook and Twitter break the world? We used to be nice to each other (at least face to face) and we managed to disagree without throwing punches (mostly). Have we lost civility forever? It’s those darned crazy kids these days, and their shoot-em-up video games,...

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How Life Really Begins

August in Nebraska: the wet 95 degree air squats like a heavyweight wrestler on your lungs. It was my day off, but I was called back to my bar. The air conditioner had gone out again. I knew what was wrong, the same thing every time. Humidity wrung from the air drips...

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Sixties Eve

Tomorrow is my birthday. Today is the last day of my fifties. Happy Sixties Eve to me. I sure didn't skate through my fifties. I fell in love, got married, published a book, released an album, and recorded a soundtrack. I learned to ride a unicycle, juggle wooden...

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Slow Cook

Millions rushed out to buy an Instant Pot, this year’s hot kitchen gadget. Many were disappointed to discover the Instant Pot didn’t deliver that kind of pot. It didn’t even deliver instant. But it is a pot. You can bake a potato in 10 minutes! That is, if you don’t...

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The Thief

As Number Five of six kids, I didn't get a lot of new stuff. I felt like a superhero when Mom put new blue patches on my worn purple jeans, like the Six Million Dollar Man with his arm re-attached. So it was a big deal when Dad took me to pick out a new bicycle. My...

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